One World Romania is a a Human Rights International Documentary Film Festival - the first festival of its kind in Romania and one that offers an unique platform for debating the films at the film's location, together with various guests, raging from directors or other members from the film's crew, activists, journalists, researchers, professors, etc.

The festival aims to present as many relevant themes as possible, through quality films, to reach as many young people as possible and therefore to help create an active community, willing to know and to get involved into solving problems that others face, under the motto: CHOOSE TO CARE!

I designed the visual idenity for the third edition of the festival, from concept to DTP. The concept was to use the pictograms to represent all the people, good, evil or indifferent in order to express the concept: "Choose to care!"

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ONE WORLD - 1owr web.jpg

ONE WORLD - 3owr web 2.jpg

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